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About Us, a leading graphic novel illustration service, is an extension of the immensely popular Power Publishers & Motion Pictures. The media house has been running several service wings over a decade. We has managed to raise the global standards for art and literary publications. The wings include the names of:

Power Publishers & Motion Pictures: A leading film production company offering animation, character illustration and film making services. – The leading screenplay service providers in the world. – A premier self-publishing company – A highly valued ghost-writing service

Take a look at our work samples and decide for yourself. An ISO 9001-2015 certified company, is India’s oldest, leading, economic self-publishing, audiobook, writing, illustration, e-learning services, animation, film production & film post production company. We have 1800 published authors, 2,500+ service projects completed with 16th years’ experience. Our organized and strict quality control processes have lead us to our constant growth in the field. It comprises of 4-stages that work systematically to ensure our 100% adherence to deadlines and commitments.

Who are our clients?

• Script/ story writers of comic books or graphic novels, looking for illustrators to put down their ideas in ink. So, if you are planning to write a graphic novel, our comic book illustrator will give your creativity the right boost.
• Illustrators of comic books who require script writers. Graphic novel illustration cannot come out right, without being backed by a perfect script.
• Publishers who want to work with script writers and comic book artists, for publication works.
• Editors of magazines, newspaper, e-papers and media sites on the web, who want to access ace script writers and comic book artists.
• Movie production houses looking forward to release comic books of their movies as merchandise products, for better promotion purposes.